Month: July 2015

Sacramento Kings vs Toronto Raptors

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Toronto Raptors:

Chris: 74 Points, 7 Assists, 9 Rebounds.

Agent: 45 Points, 11 assists, 5 Rebounds.

Cookie: 4 Assists.

Sacramento Kings:

Kobe: 19 Points, 3 Assists, 2 Rebounds.

JT: 52 Points, 2 assists, 7 Rebounds.

Corn: 43 Points, 5 Rebounds, 1 Assist.


News From Brett

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Hello Woozens.

As you might know, last night in the Orlando Magic vs Brooklyn Nets game, you might’ve realized that “BrettGotBan” was sorta faster than usual. And during the game he said “v” twice, and was later ejected from the game. Lemme tell you right now that was NOT me. That was NOT the real Brett. I honestly don’t care if you guys think I copy and paste, but only I know the truth I suppose, and I don’t copy and paste. I can prove it to you because I made videos of me typing, but unfortunately I can’t just force you to believe me. So I hope you please understand this: I don’t copy and paste, I never have done it. Although I have finally found out how to do it, I’m not gonna lie I didn’t know how to at first. But now I do, but I am still not going to use it. I like to play fair, and cheating just isn’t fun. I can tell who does and who doesn’t, but I won’t say any names. I realize that TBB isn’t here at the moment, but any other co-owners or CEO’s of the league, I am telling the truth, but once again like I said, I can’t exactly force you to believe me. So if you are wanting to suspend me or ban me from the league, fine. If not, I am looking forward to playing more games throughout the season, and having fun.

That’s all I got,

Stay tuned for more info!


Orlando Magic Vs Brooklyn Nets

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Orlando Magic:

Brett: 19 points,  3 assists,  3 steals,  2 rebounds.

Swag: 42 points, 3 steals, 4 rebounds.

Aca: 12 points, 9 assists, 1 rebounds

Brooklyn Nets:

Prod: 36 points, 3 assists,1 tech.

Epic: 12 points,  1 assists,   steals, 2  rebounds.

73 – 48 (MAGIC WIN!)

Dallas Mavericks Vs Portland Trailblazers

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Portland Trailblazers:

Pack: 45 points 16 rebounds 9 assist and 9 rebounds, 20/25

jamal: 24 points 7 assist and 4 rebounds and 1 to, 7/10

kirk: 25 points 10 assist and 5 rebounds and 2 to. 5/11


Dallas Mavericks:

Dc: 36 points 2 assist 6 rebounds 1 steals, 9 Turnovers, 15/37

James : 36 points 7 assist 5 rebounds 2 blocks 11/37



WBA Standings!

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Western Conference:

Team                          Record      Conference Record

Sacramento Kings          1-0                   0-0

Portland Trail Blazers     0-1                    0-0

Dallas Mavericks            0-1                     0-0

Eastern Conference:

Team                           Record       Conference Record

Toronto Raptors             1-0                   0-0

Orlando Magic                1-0                   0-0

Brooklyn Nets                  0-1                  0-0



Brooklyn Nets : 110.0

Dallas Mavericks : 77.0

Orlando Magic : 99.0

Portland Trail Blazers : 83.0

Sacramento Kings : 120.0

Toronto Raptors : 100.0

Players to watch out for:

Brooklyn: Prince Mont

– Savage is probably the best all around player in the WBA, he’s got a great shot and takes good shot selections. He just needs to develop into that X-Factor that the Brooklyn Nets needs and that all starts on defense, where the Nets lack skill compared to other teams.

Dallas: JamesHenryTux

– James might be in the top 5 passing category for all of the passes he makes to get team mates open. He’s very well trained and he’s might have the best awareness in the entire WBA. The only issue is that the Mavericks really need a scorer, so if James develops his shot to a consistent good release and quickness into his shot, he will be a huge impact player in the WBA.

Orlando: Brettgotban

– Brett’s already one of the quickest players in the game, as well as his passing abilities and his ability to run the fast break quicker then anyone else in the league, however his teammates are very well crafted players as well, such as Swag, Act, and Coolz, and Brett needs to not only realize that he’s surrounded by a lot of talent, but also he belongs in Orlando and the only thing that’s going bad in Orlando is the chemistry, but that’s likely to change after some moves of the roster.

Portland: CollinKapernick

– Pack is by far the most aggressive, the most fierce, and the most competitive woozen in the WBA. Pack will never settle no for an answer and when the fire in him lights up, the ball is almost always in his hands and he’s making sure that everything goes his way. The only thing that Portland is struggling with is their bench. They’re not the most skilled team in the league but their playstyle acts like they are, their bench isn’t the most skilled bench in the WBA, and they really need to make some moves with the roster to get it fully right.

Sacramento: TheBenjiBangTBB

– TBB and the Kings have a playstyle like no other, and its very effective. It involves the sharp shooting of TBB, and precision of the guards, and most of all, the passing game. TBB might be one of the best 3pt shooters in the WBA ever, but he also has very skilled guards around him that really make this play style come alive. The only huge thing that the Kings not only need out of TBB but their entire team is their defense, their defense might be the worst in the league. They’re lucky they have such a great offensive front.

Toronto : Lamarboateng

– Chris is the best WBA player in the league right now, no doubt about that. He has a very quick and effective shot and also he has a great shot blocking and pass defending strategy that really helps the whole game come together giving them the upper edge. Toronto is doing pretty good, their only issue is they need a stronger bench then what they already have, because as much as chris is very good, he still needs to rely on players ability of teamwork, other wise he wouldn’t be able to get all these steals, points, blocks, etc. Toronto needs a stronger bench, other wise I see Orlando sweeping by them in the standings and a close battle with the Brooklyn Nets awaits for them.

WBA Rosters!

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Prince Mont*

Jayisnice -1st round 1st pick

Prodigy – 2nd round 1st pick

Sedwil-backup – 3rd round 1st pick


JamesHenryTux – 1st round 3rd pick

Freshkid– – 2nd round 3rd pick

Hunter – 3rd round 3rd pick



Swagboynocray – 1st round 4th pick

Leroyol – 2nd round 4th pick

DrClutch – 3rd round 4th pick

BrettGotBan – Undrafted



Coolthegr8 – 1st round 5th pick

Kirk – 2nd round 5th pick

Jaden – 3rd round 5th pick

RobotMachine – Undrafted



TheBenjiBangTBB – 1st round 6th pick

Corney – 2nd round 6th pick

Jose – 3rd round 6th pick

JT – Undrafted


RandyOrtonDude – 1st round 2nd pick

Cookie – 3rd round 2nd pick

NBA D-League (Free Agentcy)

Jammal – 2nd round 2nd pick


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Sacramento Kings @ Brooklyn Nets (SACRAMENTO KINGS WIN 128 – 110)

Toronto Raptors @ Portland Trail Blazers (TORONTO RAPTORS WIN 100-83)

Orlando Magic @ Dallas Mavericks (ORLANDO MAGIC WIN 99-77)


Sacramento Kings @ Toronto Raptors

Orlando Magic @ Brooklyn Nets

Portland Trail Blazers @ Dallas Mavericks


Orlando Magic @ Portland Trail Blazers

Toronto Raptors @ Brooklyn Nets

Dallas Mavericks @ Sacramento Kings


Orlando Magic @ Toronto Raptors

Sacramento Kings @ Portland Trail Blazers

Dallas Mavericks @ Brooklyn Nets


Orlando Magic @ Sacramento Kings

Brooklyn Nets @ Portland Trail Blazers

Dallas Mavericks @ Toronto Raptors

WBA Draft

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Hey Woozens, I’m just a little pumped for the draft tonight, and I got a lot of spare time right now, so I’m quickly gonna make a Mock Draft.

1st Round


1)Pacers- Pack

2) Bucks- Chris

3) Suns- Brett

4) Pelicans-BJ

5) Cavaliers- Agent

6) Nets- Yung

7) Mavericks- JamesHenryTux

8) Jazz- Jab

9) Lakers- Swag

10) Raptors- Kobe

11) Bulls- Prod

2nd Round


1) Lakers- ACASwag

2) Jazz- Jaylen

3) Mavericks- Corn

4) Nets- Jam

5) Bulls- Jose

6) Raptors- Savage

7) Suns- Beast

8) Pelicans- Fred

9) Cavaliers- Jayz

10) Pacers- Leroy

11) Bucks- DayDay

New Draft Date + Draft Lottery Pick Order

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Hello Woozens,

As you know, we tried doing the draft yesterday, but it was delayed a lot due to TBB’s absence. We eventually did it, but there was a crowd rage during the 2nd round because of a certain pick, but I will not mention that. So, because of that, we are pretending that last night never happened, and the draft will be TODAY (June 14th), but the time is TBD.

Also, as we said the Cavaliers wouldn’t get a 1st round pick, but they will for this reset draft. If they can’t get a 1st round pick, that messes up the entire draft order. Every team will get a 1st round pick, and a 2nd round pick. Those who are undrafted will be an automatic free agent, and can be signed by July 16th. There are also no co-owners allowed for teams, at least until the draft is over, according to DSEE.

So now that I’ve said that, let’s go ahead and list the draft order for 1st and 2nd rounds.

1st Round


1) Pacers

2) Bucks

3) Suns

4) Pelicans

5) Cavaliers

6) Nets

7) Mavericks

8) Jazz

9) Lakers

10) Raptors

11) Bulls

2nd Round


1) Lakers

2) Jazz

3) Mavericks

4) Nets

5) Bulls

6) Raptors

7) Suns

8) Pelicans

9) Cavaliers

10) Pacers

11) Bucks

I promise you, this was totally randomized, I didn’t rig it for the best teams or anything! So if you complain about an unfair pick, that’s not my problem. So, if you are not an owner, you are open up for the draft. But if you do become undrafted, you will be available in Free Agency. Free Agency will open up on July 16th. You will not be able to sign any Free Agents until this day comes. However, you are able to put them on hold, and give them an offer before July 16th, but he cannot sign it until July 16th.

I believe I have talked about everything I needed to talk about.

WBA, signing off!
