New York Jets Win Superbowl!

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it’s here folks!

The New York Jets are your Season 19 Super Bowl Champions.

This is their 2nd Super Bowl win in their franchise, as they move up the list for most Super Bowl wins in a franchise, right behind the Atlanta Falcons, which they just beat in the Super Bowl. After losing to the Falcons in a regular season over a rigged controversary call, they get revenge on them in the Super Bowl, where it counts. The Final score was 49-48, as the Jets sneak by the Falcons, tying the Falcons for the most Super Bowl Wins as a franchise (2). Brett has won another Super Bowl MVP, making this his 2nd Super Bowl MVP, and as he had many highlights, and thrown to by his QB, Agent in the game. Brett adds a ring to his collection, making it 5 Super Bowl Rings, and being the only player in WFL history to have 5 rings, and with different teams! As for Agent, this is his 2nd ring added to his collection. Brett is considering retiring after his long career once again. However, Agent should be able to continue his career throughout the WFL, trying to look for more rings to win.


One thought on “New York Jets Win Superbowl!

    #TBT Superbowl 19 « Woozworld said:
    May 28, 2020 at 11:16 pm

    […] New York Jets Win Superbowl! […]


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