Month: December 2016

Spurs Defeats The Cavs

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  • Bob:21 Points,1 Rebound,6 Assist
  • Beast:22 Point, 1 rebound, 6 assist
  • Corn:12 Points, 9 Rebounds
  • Act:47 Points, 7 Rebounds


  • Cool:90 Points, 11 Rebounds
  • Travon:
  • Dcheroes:12 Points, 7 Assist
  • Jamal:3 Points,


Spurs are heading to the finals Once again

105-102 Spurs Win

Spurs Win Finals!!!!!!!!

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SPURS HAVE WON THE FINALS FOR A SECOND TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Baltimore Ravens Defeat the New York Giants!

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  • Justin:5 Touchdown pass, 6 Tackles
  • Sed:2 Tackle
  • Djtyler:1 Tackle, 1 touchdown run, 4 Touchdown catches
  • Epic:1 Tackle,
  • Baltimore:1 touchdown catch


  • Benji:11 Tackle, 2 sacks, 2 Touchdown pass
  • Bob:
  • Fresh:4 Touchdown catch, 5Tackle
  • Deal:1 Tackle
  • Swag:2 Touchdown pass, 1 rushing touchdown

46-34 Ravens Are The New Superbowl Champs !

Giants Defeat Lions, Moves on to the SB

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  • Benji: 2 sacks, 1 block, 1 Touchdown Run
  • Bobby:3 Touchdown catch
  • Swag:3 Touchdown pass,
  • Fresh:10 Tackle
  • TBB JR : 59696 Sacks, 496969 blocks, 59696 TD catches, 49586 TD Throws


  • ActSwag:1 tackle, 2 touchdown rushes, 1 touchdown pass
  • Mohitemup:
  • Dcheroes:
  • Beast:1 Touchdown catch

Pro Bowl Announcement

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Captains = Pack, Justin, Jaylen

QB 1) Justin (Baltimore Ravens)

QB 2) Pack (Denver Broncos)

Reserve QB) JaylenBright (Oakland Raiders)

WR 1) Mini (Denver Broncos)

WR 2) Balt (Baltimore Ravens)

Reserve WR) DJ Tyler (Baltimore Ravens)

LB 1) Sed (Baltimore Ravens)

LB 2) Hawk (Oakland Raiders)

Reverse LB) Epic (Baltimore Ravens)

CB 1) Justin (Baltimore Ravens)

CB 2) Mini (Denver Broncos)

Reserve CB) DayDay (Oakland Raiders)

KR 1) Pack (Denver Broncos)

KR 2) Justin (Baltimore Ravens)

Reserve KR) Kirk (Oakland Raiders)


Captains = ACT, Bob, Iron/Trav

QB 1) ACT (Detroit Lions)

QB 2) Deal (New York Giants)

Reserve QB) Fresh (New York Giants)

WR 1) Bob (New York Giants)

WR 2) Savage (Detroit Lions)

Reserve WR) Beast (Detroit Lions)

LB 1) TBB (New York Giants)

LB 2) Iron/Trav (Seattle Seahawks)

Reserve LB) DC (Detroit Lions)

CB 1) Fresh (New York Giants)

CB 2) ACT (Detroit Lions)

Reserve CB) Bob (New York Giants)

KR 1) Bob (New York Giants)

KR 2) TBB (New York Giants)

Reserve KR) DC (Detroit Lions)


Baltimore Ravens One Win away from Disney world!

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The Baltimore Ravens win the AFC Conference Championship!

Unreal. The 2nd ranked team in the AFC (4-2) just beat the 1st ranked team, The Denver Broncos (4-2) in a heated rivalry game. We can all say, the Baltimore Ravens are the biggest underdogs in the teams currently in the playoffs. This team is led by Justin, a dominant, mobile, strong arm, QB and rookie WR Balt, who’s shown that he can truly play ball. They also have a dominant backup in DJ Tyler who has many clutch plays throughout the entire season and two top LB’s in the league, Sed (2nd in Line of the Year) and Epic (veteran LB star-player). This Baltimore Ravens team is loaded with lots of young talent, it’s going to be a difficult game in the Super Bowl as both NFC teams (Giants, Lions) went into overtime against the Ravens. The Ravens suffered a OT lost in Week 1 and beat the Lions with some clutch defense in Week 4. Here’s a look at the Baltimore Ravens overview:

Justin : QB/CB/KR

By far, one of the most talented, if not the most talented player, on both sides of the ball. He’s a dominant player, he’ll race LB outside of the pockets, he’ll pick off almost any QB in the league, and he can get major yards on kick returns. Justin is a highly underrated when it comes to his QB skills. He finally just got ranked #1 in Golden Arm when he should’ve been that week 1. His CB stats have dropped due to tough opponents but he still manages to be in the top 3 in every poll. He should be ranked really high of OPOY and he shows his defensive skills at CB. If he plays the way he’s playing rn, he will be a future MVP, and a future HOF.

  • 4th in MVP Race
  • 2nd in Best CB
  • 1st in Golden Arm
  • 3rd in OPOY
  • 3rd in DPOY
  • 4th in Best KR
  • QB in Pro Bowl
  • CB in Pro Bowl
  • KR in Pro Bowl

Balt: WR/CB

This kid is a rookie. First year pro, and he’s ranked at #3 in Best WR. There’s not a single poll where Balt is not ranked number 1 in the ROY, its almost unanimous that he wins the award. Balt is a talented wide receiver who can catch any pass when given to him. He’s got great speed, really good with his hands, this kid has the potential to be the next big thing, and we’ve only seen him once, and that was this season. His QB, Justin, has been playing at the top of his game, but I wonder if we see that from Balt too. This offensive duo is number 3/4 in the league, despite this league being extremely talented, the race between 1,2,3,4 is very close.

  • 3rd in Best WR
  • 1st in ROY
  • WR in Pro Bowl

Sed: LB/QB

Sed is one of those players who has the desire to be the best in the league. He told everyone in the league that he was the best LB in the league (haha I disagree – TBB) but he managed to get 4 tackles against a run offense based team in the Broncos, that could be raising eyebrows. He can be a beast when it comes to LB, his offensive skills aren’t the sharpest but he manages to make them work. Sed really improved from previous years and its clearly showing, as he’s been a huge addition to the Ravens Defense as the Ravens are ranked #2 in Defense. He’s a huge underdog in winning LB of the year, but he’s clearly a future candidate for it.

  • 2nd in Best LB
  • LB in Pro Bowl

DJ Tyler: WR/CB /KR

Clutch. It’s his middle name. Week 1; he returned a kick that would tie the game and send it into OT against the Giants. He’s been clutch ever since. DJ is a talented wide receiver and can show his talent in CB too, however he stands out the most in KR. Sure, he’s only gotten a few returns past TB line, but he can run and he can catch. If you play your cards right with DJ Tyler, this kid has the potential to be one of the best WR/CB in the league. He’s got talent, but it’s all about the desire and potential. We’ve seen glimpse of it, but we haven’t seen the big picture of what DJ Tyler can do.

  • Honorable Nominee for Best KR
  • Reserve WR in Pro Bowl

Epic: LB/QB

Epic struggled big time in his first couple games. He wasn’t producing the numbers he used to, and he’s been absent from tons of games. Needless to say though, he’s got some veteran moves he likes to pull off and confuses QB all over the league. It’s safe to say, Epic is a respected figure in the league, as he’s the most experienced player in the Ravens locker room, and he wears it with pride. He knows what’s it like to taste the gold, but will Epic be able to overcome the struggles in the super bowl game? It’s quite possible.

  • Honorable Nominee for Best LB
  • Reserve LB for Pro Bowl

Spurs defeats the Los Angeles Lakers in a Sweep!

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  • Dc:59 Points, 2 Rebounds, 1 Assist
  • Cool:35 Points, 10 Rebound, 3 Assists,


  • Mo:31 Points,
  • Sed:47 Points, 2 Assist

Spurs advance and get a 3rd chance against the Hornets.


94-78 Spurs Win!

Hawk223 isn’t TheNightHawk; Supensions will be pending for the user

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TheNightHawk is alive and well; just not on woozworld.

Let’s be real, Hawk223 has been sketchy for the entire period. We all now know that Hawk223 is a fake. I’m going to expose it from my personal views on what I encountered.


I knew TheNightHawk’s real name, his state, and his last post on FaceBook. In this pc with me and “Hawk223” he claims that his name is Matt. TheNightHawk’s real name is Taylor. Hawk223 has claimed that he moved cities in the same state he was originally in and while saying this Hawk223 said that he lives in Atlanta. Taylor (TheNightHawk) lives in Kansas and has always lived in Kansas and it still a supporter of the Giants and the Royals. The last post on his facebook, in the pc, I tried to play if off as if he taken a picture of Eli Manning and posted it 4 hours ago, trying to get “Hawk223” to say that was the post. He actually posted “Merry Christmas (tree emoji)”. Hawk223 did not reply to my question. exposei


Now to whoever the hell was on Hawk223, you’re the weakest person I’ve ever met in my life. You do not mess with legends, you do not mess with my best friends, and most of all you do not mess with my brothers. As soon as I can confirm its you, you’re not only going to be banned on woozworld sports for life, I promise you, promise, everybody will hate you. Everybody.

Giants Win!

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Giants Beat The Oakland Raiders By A Mercy Rule

Great first quarter for the Raiders and then mistakes and mistakes happened Giants Qb Deal showed some on that vintage Bills tonight he was killing the Raiders defensive line.

44- 12 Giants Win

WFL Daily Zap!

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I love the word “playoffs”. It gets me hyped with emotion every single time I hear that word. Many of us see this as a opportunity to get rings, get famous, and get put down in the history books. But many of us see roadblocks, disaster, and struggles, just to get to the destined location of the Super Bowl. Teams will break, fans will cry, and once the clock hits zero, its over for one team. Then you start asking yourself, “Was it enough” “Could I have played better” “Maybe we should’ve ran that one play”, but in the end, it will never change the outcomes of the game.

A lot is at stake this week 5. The undefeated New York Giants will defend home turf and their undefeated record and take on the offensive minded Detroit Lions in a preview of what could come in the NFC Championship game. The struggling Seattle Seahawks and the WFL vets, as Oakland Raiders will go head to head with the Hawks as one of these teams will get bragging rights with 1 win for the whole season. The most important game among the games, is the dominant Denver Broncos AT the quick paced, Baltimore Ravens. The winner of this historic game, will clinched the #1 seed in the AFC side of the WFL Playoffs. As the #1 seeds (Ravens/Broncos, Giants) will receive a automatic bye week into the conference championship, the winner of the week 5 game will be rewarded with a advantage as they will not have to play another game until the conference championship, which is one away from the biggest game of them all, the super bowl.



Some can say, this is going to be a sneak peek of the NFC Championship game, as the Seahawks have clinched the 3rd seed in the NFC, making the Lions (2nd in the NFC) almost guaranteed a spot in the championship game. In reality, this won’t change much among the two teams, both of them are hard competitors in the WFL and had a fantastic season. This will be a battle between the best offense in the league vs the best defense in the league. The Lions are going into this game with back to back losses, including a heartbreaker to the Ravens in OT. This also brings notice that the Giants also sent the Ravens into OT in Week 1

Key Players for DET at NYG

  • Deal NYG (#1 Golden Arm)
  • TBB NYG (#1 LB of the Year, #1 DPOY #2 MVP)
  • Bob NYG (#2 WR of the Year, #2 KR of the Year)
  • Fresh NYG (#2 CB of the Year, #2 DPOY)
  • Act DET  (#1 MVP, #1 OPOY)
  • Beast DET (#3 WR of the Year)


Toilet Bowl 2016!!!!! Just playing, these are two teams that seemed to have struggled throughout the entire season. The Seahawks have went through ups and downs, as they were originally at the spot of the Raiders until they got replaced after Week 2, due to the 49ers, however after 1 week the 49ers left and now became the Raiders. The Falcons have forfeited every game from week 1-4 and the WFL decided to make Trav the new owner of the Falcons and he changed the team into the Seahawks. Now that being said, many of the teams still have very talented players and some of them are in the race of winning awards. It’ll be exciting to see who pulls out with a victory and who stands out in this game.

Key Players for SEA at OAK

  • Hawk OAK (#2 TPOY, #4 LB of the Year)
  • Iron SEA (#3 LB of the Year)
  • Trav SEA (#3 ROY)
  • Ben SEA (#4 ROY)


This is the game of the week simply because the winner of this game will be one step closer to the Super Bowl. The Ravens have had some close calls and some close falls. In Week 1 they lost to NYG in overtime 60-54 and Week 4 they survived a battle against the Lions, which ended with a OT win 46-40. The Broncos on the other hand, suffered one huge lost against the Giants after both the starters (Pack and Mini) couldn’t be there for the entire game, losing 56-21 and they had a close call against the Lions in week 3 but managed to win in the 4th quarter fashion. Both of these teams are coming into this game hot, as both of them won last week. Ravens might have a advantage, as they will be defending home turf against the Broncos. In the end, this game will be concluded by who wants the ring more, and with the Raiders getting more and more talent onto their veteran roster, there’s a possibility that the loser of this game will have a hard time beating the Raiders to get their rematch. This will be a battle for the ages, and I suggest you get your pop corn ready.

Key Players for DEN at BAL

  • Justin BAL (#1 CB of the Year, #3 Golden Arm, #3 OPOY, #3 DPOY)
  • Balt BAL (#1 ROY, #4 WR of the Year)
  • Sed BAL (#2 LB of the Year)
  • Pack DEN (#2 Golden Arm, #1 TPOY, #2 OPOY, #1 KR of the Year)
  • Mini DEN (#1 WR of the Year, #4 CB of the Year)