Month: March 2018

Introducing the Woozworld Basketball Association Season 9!

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Hey Woozens. Due to some inactivity and some departure of players, we’re going to restart the process of Season 9. Meaning team owners need to reclaim their teams and those who are around will appear. We’re going to make this pretty basic, if you know someone who wants to own or play, tell them to talk to me. We’re looking for at least 24 woozens, 6 owners (3 west 3 east), meaning roughly 4 players per team (DRAFT). Obviously there’s going to be a chance of more then 6 owners and more then 24 woozens in the league, if that’s the case, the league will readjust. It’s pretty simple, we’re going to just mess around, get a few WBA Combines going just for guys who want to remove some of the rust before the games start and if rookies show up they can learn first hand about the game. We will provide information on schedules (looking at playing each team twice, might be limited to once) and players who confirmed their participation in the league. Here’s some brief information about the season:

League Owners: Act, Agent, TBB (Council Set Up)

League Council Members: All Team Owners & Honorary Players (Owners approval)

WBA Combines: Hosted by anyone, open invite to all

WBA Draft: 2 round draft, snake-draft (last pick of 1st round receives 1st pick of the 2nd round), Wishlist much be provided from team owners if owners can not attend draft.

Officials: Everyone can officiate, will need help this season dramatically.


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Mostly a failure because of someone we all know who LMFAO, but here’s the season wrapped up. (I’m deleting the awards simply because 4 games wont prove anything award wise. Only award I’m keeping is the Jamal Award except we got a new winner. -TBB)

Superbowl 38 Champions:

Denver Broncos


Jamal Award of the Year:

Pacc: for his ownership of Season 38, which is why you shouldn’t own a league for your entire Woozworld Career. 


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Cowboys VS Cardinals

Bills vs Broncos

Y’all got till sunday

They Will BE No Pro Bowl This Season

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Due to the lack of games and inactivity going around. – Adam

Chargers disappoint against RED HOT BRONCOS

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Denver Broncos:

Epic: receptions, 9/13 completions, 3 thrown touchdowns 1 sacks, tackles, 2 blocks
1 safety

Mo: 6 receptions, completions,2 touchdown receptions, 1 interceptions,1 tackles,

Justin: 4 receptions, 1/1 completions,  1 touchdown receptions, 1 sack, 1 safety

Los Angeles Chargers:

Emily: 1 receptions, completions, thrown touchdowns, 1 touchdown receptions,                3 deflections, 7 tackles,

Abbi: 1/4 completions, 1 thrown touchdowns 1 tackles,

Ray: 1 Sack, 5 tackles




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If no games HAPPEN TODAY, All the active teams will get the W and the forfeits will set up the AFC AND NFC FINALS, THIS IS MY LAST CALL… GET YOUR TEAM ON AND COMPLETE THE GAMES

– Arvin

eagles forfeit to cards,

saints forfeit to cowboys..

Broncos chargers, and colts bills are pending TODAY


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League was successful until I got my ps4


Trash ass owner of the league, this season has never been “successful” nor “fun” even when you didn’t have your ps4. Just quit man. You can’t even take the hate I’m throwing directly at you simply because you keep editing and deleting everything I write because you’re a fake and afraid of the truth. When you don’t get your way, you bitch and cry. The only purpose of even having you around anymore is so you can bitch and cry, stick to PS4, we don’t need your pussy ass in our leagues anymore. We really don’t care if you quit or not anymore, we’re tried of you’re childish acts man. I might be old but at least I don’t act like a 4 y/o pussy who bitches about everything that isn’t his way.

Embarrassment Has Repeated

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Look. Benji always trynna start shit wit his bitch ass in 5 weeks my league was way more fun then his like stfu old ass dude, niggas is real life trynna start shit wit me cuz we took a week off football


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  1. Portland TrailBlazers
  2. Golden State Warriors
  3. Chicago Bulls
  4. Houston Rockets
  5. Washington Wizards
  6. Miami Heat
  7. Oklahoma City Thunder

We’re Going straight To Playoffs.

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Wassup y’all, Long time since I’ve post. But we’re going to advance into the playoffs so we can do basketball. It’s been a great season but this recent inactivity has been causing people to not log on. So This What we’re Doing going straight into Playoffs. EVERY TEAM MAKES IT. It’ll be based off records. We’ll do awards later on this season but here’s the Playoffs for Each Conference

NFC Playoffs:

#3 Eagles  (2-2) vs #2 Cardinals (2-2)

#4 Saints (0-4) @ #1 Cowboys (3-1)

AFC Playoffs:

#3 Colts (3-1) @ #2 Bills (3-1)

#4 Chargers (1-3) @ #1 Broncos (4-0)

This how we finna do it. So can we Please finish this season it’s taking long enough so let’s get this over with.

-Adam (Act)