Month: February 2019

I Won the Contest!

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I decided to log on today and I found out lately I’ve won the contest for the Woozworld Football Design unit. Pretty dope that I even get recognized. No cocky shit, but I honestly felt like I had the best unit. I only won 500 wooz and 5000 beex, I’d trip but it’s whatever. But yea. Besides today I honestly don’t think I will be visiting no more for the rest of this month. I don’t think I’ll be on during spring break either. Regardess tho, Woozworld Sports can begin without me, I would like you guys to continue it and keep improving the leagues and etc. Regardless here’s proof I wonC382F840-D272-488A-BCB8-12D89B58EC8B.png

Pretty Dope, Take care yall.

Watch for my post on woozin today. (2/19/19)


What’s next For Woozworld Sports?

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Well you guys might have heard flash is shutting down in 2020 and Woozworld on desktop may finally come to a end. As the rumors seem like it was going to become true, Woozworld announced they’ll make a desktop APP where you can access woozworld on your desktop. In July 2019, Woozworld on Browsers like Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Explore and more will cease to exist on there. People that have my Real life social have asked me “What will happen to sports?”  “Are you done with woozworld? “You posted a cryptic message on woozin saying your done with this” The truth is I’m officially done playing woozworld. Yeah I stated this was my last year playing woozworld as a Whole. Those who don’t know my Age, I’m currently 16 turning 17 This year around fall of 2019.  High school for sure have caught up to me as I have homework everyday and Assignments to do. It was literally so bad I had to skip Basketball tryouts due to the insane amount of work I’ve been assigned. I currently have no Laptop, I have a school computer as of right now that Blocks almost everything on the web, Which means I for sure cannot download Woozworld This Upcoming Summer. At this point the problem isn’t woozworld moving to where it has to be downloaded, Our problem of this community Is Age. TBB is busy everyday he doesn’t have time to get online. He’s an athlete, best wishes to him for sure. The GOAT of Basketballs Chris have decided a Quit last Month as he Turned 20 and going to focus on his music career. Pacc and Rocc is around the Age 16-18 and is busy everyday to even attempt to login. Mal and Le announces this month they’re not returning to woozworld and they’ll be gone. All the OG veterans are not on anymore. So this leads to Cold, Kay and his crew. Honestly As much I Loved being apart of this, All good things must come to an end, I’ve been playing woozworld since I was 10.  It was amazing Journey. Sports on here was the reason why I’ve been playing woozworld. It was cool to experience all the moments I had playing in leagues, met so many friends and enemies on woozworld. Sure we would argue on the field or court or whatever sport we played but at the end of the day we had a bond and must respect for each other. Many people came and left as life goes on. Sure besides sports I’ve met amazing people and I’ve met people that if I ever met em in real life that I wish I’d knockout. I didn’t want to quit as early, I was planning around the Summer before school, but that’s not going to happen because when they announced woozworld on desktop will have to be downloaded, was the final nail in the coffin. As for me Owning and playing, I will no longer be playing in leagues or operating them. If you want to own, message me on my socials if you have it. Whatever football seasons you do will count towards the WFL recognition. I Howver don’t want this blog to die, I’m going to add more people to the blog whenever I visit woozworld. So they can update things. I’ll post on the blog occasionally but it won’t be very often. But, I guess it really has been it. I’m going to post about whoever won the football design contest as I entered and post about it if I win. Regardless though, stay safe you guys been nothing but generous to me. Hopefully you guys will succeed in Life. This been a amazing community it be apart of. – Adam (The kid Who played under ACATIME, ACASwag, HoodVibez)


Peace guys, take care

p.s. If you want to be added to the blog and own a league message me.

Introducing The “Who do ya got” Woozworld Edition.

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This edition of “Who Do ya got” is me where I pick 2 teams from whatever team (WFL/WBA) from whatever season and compare them.  We’ll compare on which team would win in a well matchup game. We’ll overview the rosters the situation and more. Which team is good at what and vice versa. Then we’ll put our prediction out to show you what we think will win. More info coming out soon.

Football units are BACK

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Type in FOOTBALL in shopz it’ll pop up