Month: August 2019

Introducing the WCAA/EFL Owned by Coldness19 and Khayleeon

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Wassup Woozens, today I have inform and announce for all new players trying to play football without having to worry about people that have more experience. All of the talent will be people playing for the first time experiencing it out. These guys will be training more people to come. More info to come out soon….

Why This Is Not The End and Why Woozworld Sports is Falling

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There’s a reason why people are writing “End of an era” or “retirement post” and it’s for the exact opposite reasons you might find. When you hear about Woozworld Sports and the community it has brought, continuous and commitment are two topics that associate with Woozworld Sports. There’s never been a revenge game, adoption center, or a shop that has lasted and achieved as much as Woozworld Sports as a whole completed. The reason people kept coming and playing was simply because it was continuous and committed; that’s why it lived.

In terms of continuous, we’ve spent over 8 years playing Woozworld Sports with over 40 WFL Seasons (and to the point we couldn’t even keep track of seasons), over 10 WBA Seasons, and even every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for 3 years partaking in WWE. Can you name a game, shop, store, etc on Woozworld that can even compare to what’s happened? Not even the Woozband events could compare to some of the games, events, and history we’ve continuously made for the past 8 years. And we’re still going. We’ve had highs of over 15 teams in seasons and we’ve had lows of only 2 teams, the point that needs to be addressed is how continuous we’ve been regardless of whom was around. While we lost Woozens and gained Woozens, we continued what we started 8 years ago and made a history and a family of our own.

In terms of committed, we’ve always found a way to provide seasons to not only the beginning ages but even in the future too. We’ve had hundreds of Woozens play Woozworld Sports, thousands of Woozens in attendance, and Woozens around today and yesterday know who we, Woozworld Sports, have become. We’ve had people from the very beginning who are still here today and we’ve had people who just started yesterday. From time and time again we manage to find a way to stay committed to what makes us unique and play Woozworld Sports. We all have lives. For starters I’m a valedictorian, a perfect ACT scorer, an All-State QB, State Champion, High School Basketball and Baseball player, college student, HS and college Graduate, honors student, and a boyfriend. Yet I manage to be committed to Woozworld Sports when I have the chance. Commitment is simple, do you want to be apart of this or not? For me, absolutely, it’s a creation of mine that I want to walk away from knowing someone will take control the right way. But asks yourself that same question and be honest with yourself.

So if you aren’t able to continue and you can’t commit, Woozworld Sports can die. Not saying it will die, but it can. But making blog post about Woozworld Sports dying rather than talking about being continuous, hopeful, committed, and courageous will only move others away from Woozworld Sports. It goes along with success too. Do you want your success to be continuous? Do you want to be committed to your success? Answer those questions and tell me Woozworld Sports is dead, because it’s not. And there’s a group of people out there we can reach. Even if it’s only 4 Woozens and it’s a 2 team season.

End of a Era…..?| Potential End of an Era of Woozworld Sports | (2009-2019)

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And all I got left are stinkin’ memories ” – Tupac Shakur “Life Goes on” (1996)

Hey woozens, you see we’d usually have this inactivity period which is normal, school is back up, everybody busy, folks getting ready to go ahead and do big and bigger things. Sure, that’s normal. However, there’s clear signs of Woozworld Sports potentially ending very soon. Major stars of the league is either getting ready o go to college, or is getting ready to quit this game all in together and focus on pursuing their dreams in real life. That’s normal it happened to the stars of the past, however new stars came in and it was still fine. However, we’re not gaining new people, it’s like woozworld has been getting drier and drier. Woozworld don’t care about the sports community as it use too. New Folks, on here just waste time on exposing videos, and just screen watch to death. Yes, I know woozworld sports aren’t for everybody. When FOOTBALL, the most popular sport on woozworld isn’t working any more, that’s how you know it’s time for either a change or we’re going to go down hill like all these other sports organizations from different virtual worlds. Sure, I’ve been kinda guilty lately of trying to switch before it was too late. Yes there was a time where I thought I should leave the Woozworld Sports Community, due to the fact nobody is motivated no more. I don’t want the end of woozworld sports to end. It’s been hear for 10 years and counting. this game brought me many memories. However I even know, Soon or later I’m going to leave. 2020, I’m not going to be around so I was trying to get a couple of seasons before in. I’m kinda in the older side of the community as I’m 16, turning 17 in 3 months. I’ve been apart of this community as early as 2012, didn’t start playing in leagues until 2013. I’ve met so many people come and go in this. It was very fun back than, (sorry if I sound like a nostalgia freak) Many people actually were willing to learn how to play and actually took it seriously. nowadays you get clowned for showing creativity and having fun. Sure If things go back to normal, in 2020 it’ll prob be up and running smoother as servers are combining in 2020 and it’ll probably be without me. I just want to thank this community for giving me many memories on this game. It was nice and amazing. As my time wind down on woozworld I just want to say thank you. Met so many people on this game and I wish you guys the best of luck in the real world whenever you decide to move on and quit this game. Hopefully, the fun in this will come back onto this game and people won’t be so dead minded and worrying about “exposings” and less people would start showing creativity and less screen watching and actually play woozworld what is is. Woozworld was never originally a “fashion” game. It never was, it started having that Label around 2016-2017. No this isn’t a retirement speech or any of that. it’s just how I genuinely feel about Woozworld Sports as of right now, and right now I don’t like the direction it’s heading however i have faith it’ll be back where it used to be, I know there will be a season 50 for WFL and a season 20 for WBA, however at this point it’ll probably be without me. Yes, I’ve accomplished a lot of things in this league but at this point It’s time to move and enjoy life as it is.

WFL’s Top 7 Greatest Quarterbacks of all time.

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  1. Natgotban
  2. ACASwag/HoodVibez
  3. AceHood63
  4. BtrJamesaly
  5. GodCra
  6. AgentArvin1
  7. TheAsianishere

WFL Top 5 Detroit Lions Players of ALL TIME!

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Hey Woozens, since there’s nothing going on I’ll be starting a series naming each WFL OR WBA franchise top players of all time! This is how I rank players in orders for each franchise.

  1. Relevancy
  2. Accomplishments
  3. Popularity
  4. Style
  5. Work ethic

So without further ado, let’s get into the TOP 5 Detroit Lions players!

5. Swagboynocray – This was a pre-prime Swag obviously he was talented line before he hit his prime, was one of the premier linebackers in the league, he was definitely a Fan-favorite for the Lions

4. AgentArvin1 – Agent was an amazing player for the Lions, Won a ring with the Lions with Coolz, He was an amazing QB and won a SuperBowl with them, however Agent accomplished much more with different teams

3. Btrjamesaly – James, a Living Legend one of the Greatest QB’s of All Time! He’s like one of those players you know you had to watch for. James led the Lions to a superbowl one time, and he was amazing. If you didn’t get to see him play back in 2013 – 2015, James was an amazing teammate and his work ethic showed it and also was a League Favorite, won many awards with this team

2. ACASwag/HoodVibez – Act, probably the greatest versatile players of all time in the league, if not one of the most versatile players of all time. Act won 2 superbowls with this teams, Won an MVP, brought the Lions back to relevancy, led the league in touchdowns, consider by many the GREATEST QB of all time, although most of those people who say that are the folks who played in a era after Act, however that don’t diminish the fact Act is a Legend, it’s mad debatable that he shouldn’t be consider a wide, simply because he played Wide for most of his career before transitioning to a QB but Act definitely put the Lions back on the map after the Coolz Era.

  1. DrClutch – Coolz, Won 2 superbowls with this team, and he was a legend from many others, he didn’t have the best roster around him and he still got it done. Coolz was for sure ahead of his time, however As Coolz continue to do things in the real world, there’s no denying he was a legend of himself. All I can say is damn, Coolz was obviously probably be the best player in the leagues today.

Yeah, I’m done planning things out

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At this point, what’s the point of planning things if nobody is willing to do it? WFA Under Armour Tournament CANCELLED till further noticed.