Month: February 2020

Fantasy League 4 Players to watch out for

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Whatsgood woozens so today were gonna do the 4 players to wach out for. In my mind these 4 players will stand out and try there very best to get a win. These 4 players are gonna prove they belong in this league and looking forward for the mvp race.

  1. Agent:
    Agent always proves he’s one of the best in the league. He gets almost a triple double every game. Don’t get me wrong agent is 100 percent beatable. However u have to play your heart out all game to compare with agent. Honestly agent is one of the top players if not one of the best in this league right now. WBA All-Time team agent.
  2. Cold:
    Its either a go big or go home moment for cold. Sure cold may do the dumbest shit sometimes not no one can doubt his talent. The most surprising moment of cold career was probably carrying the hornets to the finals even though they lost he still played on a high level while chris was injured. Another one was probably being up by 30 vs Bob, Rocc, And Pacc. History was made that day anyways cold is gonna prove he belongs in this league and aiming for his first ever finals mvp/ mvp award.
  3. Mal:
    Mal is dumb good for no reason. His defense is all set. In my opinion one thing i like about mal is how he force the charge. One thing to watch out for is this guy mal can lead the league with rebounds a game. If one of his teammates miss mal will always pull it down. To be mal really its either gonna be whoever score the most or whoever can force the miss and get rebounds the most.
  4. Theresa:
    Even tho they went 1-4 with the spurs this might be interesting. Theresa is a catch and shoot specialist. Her and monica might have the best chemistry in the league but however nothing is gonna change the fact that u can have the best talent on a team if u dont know how to use it right and win games u wont be successful in this league.

Top 4 players to watch out for!

Fantasy Overalls

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Overalls will take place on your last season performance. People can improve i get that but Your very last season will be base off overalls for example Chris didn’t do shit last season because he was injured so his overall going to be down more but don’t even trip we all know chris talent. People overalls might be low dont get me wrong now I know everyones talent but this how imma set it up so its gonna be overall clubs but the most in the 99-91 overall club will be only 10. Most in the 90-85 overall club will be 10 or 11. And the rest will be in the 84-70 overall club. Anyways lets get started!

99-91 overall club

1. Agent (98 overall) Age: 30 (Wanna be Westbrook)
2. Mal (98 overall) Age: 27 (Charge Specialist)
3. Pacc (97 overall) Age: 29 (Hogger)
4. Cold (97 overall) Age: 21 (WBA All-Team)
5. Le (96 overall) Age: 29 (Choker)
6. Theresa (94 overall) Age: 21 (Wanna be Rocc)
7. Jayz (94 overall) Age: 30 (WBA All-Team)
8. Corn (92 overall) Age: 30 (Choker)
9. Xav (92 overall) Age: 21 (Diamond hall of fame corner specialist)
10. Swag (91 overall) Age 32 (Wanna be Chris)

90-85 overall club

1. Ninja (90 overall) Age: 27 (Hogger)
2. JJ ( 90 overall) Age: 23 (3 pt Specialist)
3. Flame (90 overall) Age: 23 (Neighborhood Hero)
4. Troy ( 89 overall) Age: 21 (Carried act last season)
5. Bob (89 overall) Age: 31 (You didn’t prove shit to me last season)
6. Rocc (88 overall) Age: 29 ( You would still have a broken hand)
7. Blast (87 overall) Age: 21 (This will still be your rookie season)
8. Mo (87 overall) Age: 27 (You will still be injured but return doing playoffs)
9. Act (87 overall) Age: 30 (This not your prime)
10. Epic (87 overall) Age: 30 (You ain’t prove nothing last season)
11. Chris (85 overall) Age: 32 (You would be injured and lazy to play)

84-70 overall club

1. Allie (84 overall) Age: 30 (Choker)
2. Nate (84 overall) Age: 21 (Wanna be Cold)
3. Prime (84 overall) Age: 30 ( Never saw u play a actual season)
4. Tono (83 overall) Age: 21 (Still developing his game)
5. DJ (82 overall) Age: 27 (Carried by Flame)
6. Sav ( 71 overall) Age: 19 (Stick to Highschool)
7. Abbi (71 overall) Age: 20 (Stick to Football)
8.Brook (70 overall) Age: 22 (Stick to Coaching)

Fantasy Overalls don’t get me wrong I know your talent this is base off your very last season so don’t even trip.

Fantasy Overview

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Los Angeles Lakers: Mal, Le, Brook, Ninja
Prediction Record 4-4

I think the Lakers can make it pretty far. There in a good Conference so that’s the only thing matters. Lakers is either a go big or go home team if they don’t win Conference games then their gonna go home. The conference there in will be tuff to beat but recently the duo mal and le showed they can handle alot. But they never really played nice teams like that. But we gonna see what these 2 bring to the table. Ninja probably the man off the bench is a lead scorer. He played with le with the packers so they have good chemistry. However the way le and mal play together is different from ninja play style. The question is will this effect the way the Lakers play? We will find out later!

Houston Rockets:: Rocc, Pacc, Bob
Prediction Record 3-5

The reason i think 3-5 is because rocc will still be having his “broken hand” at this time so his game wont be as perfect as it is. However pacc will still be on his game which is isolation the whole game. Bob will probably be mad about it and demand a release which will put the mavs down big time. However rocc and pacc can still do what they gonna do its not hard to beat this team. I really dont see this team going to the finals really but i think its gonna be a close battle vs the lakers.

Dallas Mavericks: Agent, Mo, Jayz
Prediction Record 5-3

In my opinion this team was overrated. When these 3 was on teams sure they may had went undefeated but its not hard to beat them. Agent will still do his thing ofc thats him. Mo will probably play 1 game then come back doing playoff thats mo. And jayz will continue to develop his game playing with agent. Almost every team they played it was a close game like they barely won but it dont matter winnings winning and thats the only thing that counts.

Oklahoma City Thunder: Chris, Swag, Sav. Abbi
Prediction Record 6-2

This might be the best team in the league. Chris and swag is gonna do what they do best and thats ruin the league for being on teams. However this team isnt hard to to beat either the Rockets already showed they can beat this team. However the moment chris or swag dont show up its gg to this team.

Eastern Conference

Cleveland Cavaliers: Corn, Theresa, Allie
Prediction Record 1-7

Dont get me wrong this team has so much talent on they team. If we face the facts tho when i saw this team played they had so much hype in the season then went 1-4 so i really dont see this team making it to playoffs. They may have the players and chemistry but at the end of the day they still took alot of L’s. If i’m honest they only win that season was a ff so i really dont know i can see them proving me wrong.

Miami Heat: Act, Epic, Nate
Prediction Record 3-5

I don’t see this team going very far into the league. Act 1x WBA finals champion is gonna do what he do best. Epic is gonna finish what he started he’s not gonna be on ninja team which he was hogging most of the time but now that Epic has act on his team things not change. These to are like a blast from the past. Its like these 2 grew up to play on the same team but however chemistry does matter it takes skill to win games. Dont get me wrong these 2 are talented they just not in they prime anymore. Nate will come in and do his best my opinion nate is like a young cold that havent develop his game yet but soon to be.

Boston Celtics: Prime, Xav, Tono, Dj
Prediction Record 5-3

Xav and prime will carry this team. Dj and Tono is just extra for if they in the league. If i’m honest i got to know exactly how xav and prime play so ik what they can do. However these to together it might be a good show.

Philadelphia 76ers: Cold, JJ, Troy, Flame, Blast
Prediction Record 7-1

I can see this team going pretty far. Cold is gonna do his thing he already shown the league he can play on a mvp level. JJ showed us he can actually be feared in the league. Flame showed us he can be a threat in the league. Blast is like mo he’s gonna play on a high level no matter what might even be mvp. Troy showed us he can score anyway possible and prove to us he can play on a higher level then the legend himself act. I can see this team being hard to beat however all these players only have good chemistry with cold so i dont see him getting off the court but i can see him showing the league he belongs in the finals.

Fantasy League Roaster

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Whatsgood everyone so lemme tell u how this gonna work. I’m gonna put people on teams base off what i seen in the past seasons. We’re gonna do 8 teams. Each team will have up to 3-5 people. Depending on people overalls, chemistry, and experience of the game gonna depend on the games. Don’t get me wrong now this is all gonna go off my opinion so dont take shit to the heart. Ok lets get started.

Western Conference

Los Angeles Lakers:

Mal (Owner)
Le (Drafted)
Brook (Drafted)
Ninja (Signed)

Dallas Mavericks:

Agent (Owner)
Jayz (Drafted)
Mo (Drafted)

Houston Rockets:

Rocc (Owner)
Pacc (Drafted)
Bob (Drafted)

Oklahoma City Thunder:

Chris (Owner)
Swag (Drafted)
Sav (Drafted)
Abbi (Signed)

Eastern Conference

Cleveland Cavaliers:

Corn (Owner)
Theresa (Drafted)
Allie (Drafted

Miami Heat:

Act (Owner)
Epic (Drafted)
Nate (Drafted)

Boston Celtics:

Prime (Coach)
Xav (Drafted)
Tono (Drafted)
Dj (Signed)

Philadelphia 76ers:

Cold (Owner)
JJ (Drafted)
Troy (Drafted)
Flame (Signed)
Blast (Signed)

Fantasy League

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Whatsgood everyone so today im gonna be doing a Fantasy league. I’m not gonna rigged shit its all to my mind. If i feel like someone gon win do not judge me on shit but i’m gonna do week for week starting with the draft. Anyways more info coming soon

The Official Return

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Whatsgood woozens we’re here to tell u some good news about sports. Kay and Cold done it again folks. Kay and Cold trained a total of 16 rookies and the fact they still have some vets around. The 2 pros ti and kev came back around to play football. Justin is also down to play and flame came back from the dead to play also. Trav also came back improving being inactive and also we have randy thats being down to play also improving on being active. These people have hopes for woozworld sports and wanted to keep shit alive. The fact woozworld sports was legit dead its time to bring it back for a change. Were only doing 4-6 teams right now if u still wanna own please dm coldness19. The rules are simple now depending on how many teams we get but 16 fully trained rookies sounds like a dam good job to me i have high hopes for these people. Good luck to everyone.

WFL Owners

Cold- Saints

Epic- Broncos

Kay- Packers

Trav- Vikings

Dm for more