The Thunder Strikes the Bulls| 12 Technical Fouls Combined| Act & Young Ejected!| WBA Season Premiere!

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The Sun is out, the tree are moving together, the energy is striking, and the rage is amounting, the 15th anniversary of the WBA Season has finally kicked off! We started this game with the competitive Fieriness, with the Chicago Bulls New Owner and DPOY of the year Act, with Flame a 6th man of the year candidate. This Game started off defensive action pace, as the Bulls & the Thunder started going back and forth. The Bulls showed today, their toughness and their grittiness will keep them in games. Act led the show with almost a triple double for the Bulls. The Reigning Champions, Arvin and Yolo teamed up with 2 free agent/draftee recruits, Swag and Epic. The thunder were DOMINATE. They beat the Bulls in the second quarter with quickness and IQ. The Bulls decided to put on their bad boy piston mentality and started SWINGING on the Thunder players. Act and Young already has 3 Technicals in the season! Regardless, The Thunder prevailed, but the Bulls had the highlight of the game. Young Lobs a crazy alley oop to Act, and he windmilled it from the FREE THROW LINE!, Act showing the world even in his 12th season, He can still THROW IT DOWN!

Here’s the Tech Leaders!:


Act: 3 Technicals (Ejected, in 12 Seconds left in the game)

Flame: 1 Tech

Young: 3 Technicals (Ejected, with 12 seconds left in the game)


Arvin: 2 Techs

Yolo: 1 Tech

Swag: 1 Tech

Epic: 1 Tech

Here’s the Brawl after the game:



Arvin: 23 Points, 14 assists, 6 rebounds, 4 steals

Yolo: 33 Points, 1 assist, 10 rebounds, 11 steals

Justin: 3 points, 3 assists, 1 rebound, 1 steal

Swag: 29 Points, 5 rebounds, 2 steals


Adam: 61 points, 2 assists, 9 rebounds, 9 steals

Flame: 8 Points, 10 assists, 2 rebounds, 1 steal

Young: 3 points, 5 assists, 2 rebounds

88 – 72 Thunder Win



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