Month: December 2020

Blazers vs Knicks| Yolo Shines as Blazers trails the Knicks! | 119 – 117

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Christmas Eve Special! I posted this kinda late, my apologies.

Anyway here’s the stats

Blazers: 119

TBB: 15 Points, 3 rebounds, 2 assist

Yolo: 52 Points, 6 rebounds, 5 steals,

Theresa: 52 Points, 7 Rebounds, 3 steals


Arvin: 59 Points, 3 assist, 5 rebounds, 3 steals

Ninja: 17 Points, 1 steal, 1 rebound

Eli: 41 Points, 5 rebounds, 2 steals

Blazers win!

New York Knicks come back from early deficit – New York Basketball is back??

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New York Knicks – 91

Arvin – 70 points, 1 assist, 8 rebounds, 1 steal, 1 block

Eli – 21 points, 6 rebounds, 4 steals

Phoenix Suns – 85 

Adam – 60 points, 4 assist, 8 rebounds, 3 steals

Cam – 14 points, 2 rebounds, mascot numbers

Epic – 11 points, 1 steal

LFL Overview

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Whatsgood everyone the leaves is falling, the sun is out, the cold weather is here, and the turkey is coming but welcome back to another post on the blog. This is the first official season for LFL and it keeps growing. I’m very grateful for everyone that put in the effort into joining, helping, and playing in the league. With that being said we’re gonna go ahead and jump into this.

Before i start ima say the samething that i always say. If u bitch about the overview do not dm me just simply prove me wrong its my prediction. Ight lets get started.

Baltimore Ravens 5-3
Team: Best, Killa, Goofy, Rey, Sauce, Black, Tc, Money,

This team has so much talent and passion for the game. No doubt about it that this team is a Superbowl Contender. This team put so much effort into practicing and playing to the end. They can also put up a fight to the end no matter what. Another thing is they have an amazing offense. Their defense will destory any try trash but lets see what they can do vs superbowl contender teams.
Strengths: Experience, Clutch, Offense
Weakness: Inactivity. Underestimating,
Player to watch: Best

Pittsburgh Steelers 6-2
Team: 14, Tent, Tino, Slammed, Patz, Golden, Clamp

This team is solid from the start. Literally have a super team but their very beatable. This team dominated the pre season and showed this is a team to fear. Only teams i can see beating them rn is ravens, saints, and dolphins if they have starters. I really dont have to say much this team is just good either way.
Strengths: Experience, Chemistry, Offense, Defense
Weakness: Trolling, Mobile players,
Players to watch: Tent, Tino

Miami Dolphins 5-3
Team: Secure, K1, Tay, Super, Cap, JJ, ZZ

This team has sum weaknesses but overall their pretty good with their starters. Could most definitely be a Superbowl Contender mainly just gotta clean some shit up. They have the talent, and the chemistry just gotta work on playing together and not troll.
Strengths: Experience, Offense, Defense, Offseason, Hype, Commutation, Potential
Weakness: Confidence, Trolling, Choking,
Players to watch: Secure, Tay, JJ

New Orleans Saints 7-1
Team: Eli, Tae, Jason, Ashton, Great, Asher, AAron

This team has so much talent i cant even start. They have talent only problem i see is beng inactive. I dont have to go on cause thats just hyping them up but ye.
Strengths: Experience, Offense, Defense, Offseason, Hype, Commutation, Chemistry, Confidence
Weakness: Trolling, Inactivity

WBA Season 17 Draft

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We have 3 Teams, we just need a 4th remaining team, Here’s the list of teams we have

Chris – Los Angeles Lakers

Arvin – New York Knicks

Act – Phoenix Suns

4th Team

We need one more team, if we can get one more team by today or tomorrow we can do the draft on saturday!

Let us know ASAP

Why are we bringing back WZW Sports?

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This might been a rumor which was dead so many times. We almost brought back football but It got cancelled due to the fact online school is an all-time high and it is NOT the same how it was back in April. We all know work is crazy and yes.. we have Exams for this week so that might be in the way. However, we feel like it can truly be fun again. Woozworld is currently is laggy and it is (honest to truth opinion) fun when you’re doing something. Sitting in the units is dead. I kinda miss the competition playing against each other. Sure it might not be the same how it was. However, we want to do something for fun. This serves a good farewell for majority of us as Flash ends on 12/31/20. If you try to make an account after the woozworld update that was on Tuesday. You’re forced to use the beta version. So if you have an old account please try to use that till the end. So for winter break why not let it fly? Let’s have one last good run with each other. COVID is at an all-time high, PS5 and Xbox Series are hard to find due to the current conditions that are happening. Regardless we’re looking for

12-15 People for the league to start

4 Owners

We just trying to have fun

Please don’t complain about superteams because that shit is lame asl

Everybody lost a step so it’s an even field.

i’ll be owning a team, I’ll let y’all know which one soon

Later Woozens!

Act’s Road to Micky Mouse Ring (Season 9)

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ACASwag/Hoodvibez Road to Season 9 Micky Mouse Ring

  • Played in Weak Conference
  • Undefeated Record was a Fluke
  • Spurs Quit
  • Stacked Roster
  • Avoided the Hornets
  • Injured Celtics team without Arvin
  • Didn’t Win MVP

Act have 0 rings in my book

(This is some copy and pasta I’ve seen from NBA Twitter, Thought it be funny to recreate it)

This is just for jokes anyway

Peace Woozens!

Wassup Woozens

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Guess who’s Back, Bac Again, It’s ya boy, A-a-a-a-Act. Anyway message me @Hoodvibez if u tryna play basketball for the last time ever.

We Out!


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