
Official Rules of Woozworld Sports:


  1. you can reverse any move that doesn’t have ”no none” at the end.
  2. All submission finishers are a 3 count, regular submission holds are a 5 count.
  3. You must say ”Breaks” to break a submission hold.
  4. You must say ”UP” to break a pin count
  5. You must say ”Falls” once somebody does a move on you, and you do not reverse
  6. You gotta make your opponent fall to pin them, so doing a move every time you pin and submit them.
  7. You can only brawl or cut a promo after a match if you’re in a feud with that person

WFA 3V3-

Owners must have a football on the field at all times and must move wherever the ref spots the ball.

Refs are allowed to eject woozens for any misbehavior that occurs on the game field

Refs can be ejected too if they at all are not official and begin fighting with players.

Any ref caught tampering with the game (proof must be provided) will be suspended for 4 games as a player and banned from being a referee for the remainder of the season.

Tackles/Stiff must be typed in separate chats (Ex: Gets and Stiff, Kick and Tackles does not count)

Any “#” will result as a fumble, opponents or players must be within 4 spaces of where the ball was dropped in order to count as a fumble.

Tosses may NOT be picked off, it will result as a incomplete pass

Stiffs will beat anything but “Tackles”

Any woozens using multiple accounts to play for other teams and are caught, will be suspended for half of the season or remainder.

3 refs must be present at all times (1 must have access to the blog)

No rules are set among copy and pasting, CP = legal

One team, and 2 refs must all agree to redo, in order for a redo to be issued

Challenge flags will be reviewed by the three refs opinions

Only 5 players allowed on team

Picks must be 1 of WR

Sacks must be 2 SPACES near QB

If you QUIT a team, you will be suspended entire season

All awards will be rewarded based off your team stats, not your season overall stats.

Play properly and correctly to make this league fun

FGs may NOT be faked in any way or form

Spam is only allowed on FGs, any other play will result as a penalty for holding (WE CAN FINALLY ADD THE HOLDING CALL)

Spam max Is 4 times saying one word

If the woozen is not on the active roster of a team, that woozen MAY NOT play unless approved by both teams owners

Illegal blocking will be charged IF you block a player and then run out for a pass

Refs MUST stick with the original call they made of the play, if a team disagrees with the call, they must throw a challenge flag and the refs will debate it out

-WFA Owners will NOT be allowed to accept or offer fines for players to reduce suspension

-Draft picks CAN be traded for other players/picks

-Picks must be 1 SPACE BEHIND OR BESIDE of WR

-Refs/Players must REPORT every game into a blog post

-Only 5 Players allowed per team

-Owners MUST move the ball when said so, otherwise Refs will charge with delay of game penalty

-QB must say Throws to (insert name/user)

-RB can only get the ball by hand-offs, you cannot throw to your running back unless hes behind the line of scrimmage

-If you say reverse before the intended wide receiver says catches and you are NOT guarding them, it’ll be a INCOMPLETE

-Fumbles can only be recovered by the running back, safety, quarterback or lineman

-Fumbles are caused by hashtag (#)

-Offenses can run a quarterback, wide receiver, running back, or double receivers.

-Defenses cannot run double linebackers

-Defenses can run, safety, cornerback and linebacker or double corner

-Safetys can intercept as long their one space away from the receiver

-Defenses and Offenses must say their formation at every play to the refs

-On Kickoffs, you must say kicks to (insert name/user)

-3 Refs Permitted at a time.

Field Regulations

-All fields must have a marker of where the touchback line is

-All fields will have an end zone of 16×4 length

-All fields must have at least two benches

-All fields must have a ball and 1 field goal

-All fields color code must be color code 0F7701 or darker

-Only use Prom Tiles for Logo’s on the field

-Use Z-diner tiles to customize your touchdown’s

-Every Field must be made in a Football Field, Woozcarz Field (vertically), or one of the verified units

Draft Rules

-Each team will have 8 minutes to make a selections

-If team owners aren’t there, the projection board will give them their pick.

-Team owners can trade draft picks and players during draft

-Players may be ejected from backstage area due to poor behavior, they will not be let in regardless of whom/pick

-This will be the first year that players will NOT be allowed to pick for their teams, owners/coaches must draft the roster themselves

-Any conduct against the draft policy will result in an automatic fine and suspension for a g

WFL & WCAA Football –

Owners must have a football on the field at all times and must move wherever the ref spots the ball.

Refs are allowed to eject woozens for any misbehavior that occurs on the game field

Refs can be ejected too if they at all are not official and begin fighting with players.

Any ref caught tampering with the game (proof must be provided) will be suspended for 4 games as a player and banned from being a referee for the remainder of the season.

Tackles/Stiff must be typed in separate chats (Ex: Gets and Stiff, Kick and Tackles does not count)

Any “#” will result as a fumble, opponents or players must be within 4 spaces of where the ball was dropped in order to count as a fumble.

Tosses may NOT be picked off, it will result as a incomplete pass

Stiffs will beat anything but “Tackles”

Any woozens using multiple accounts to play for other teams and are caught, will be suspended for half of the season or remainder.

3 refs must be present at all times (1 must have access to the blog)

No rules are set among copy and pasting, CP = legal

One team, and 2 refs must all agree to redo, in order for a redo to be issued

Challenge flags will be reviewed by the three refs opinions

Only 5 players allowed on team

Picks must be 1 of WR

Sacks must be 2 SPACES near QB

If you QUIT a team, you will be suspended entire season

All awards will be rewarded based off your team stats, not your season overall stats.

Play properly and correctly to make this league fun

FGs may NOT be faked in any way or form

Spam is only allowed on FGs, any other play will result as a penalty for holding (WE CAN FINALLY ADD THE HOLDING CALL)

Spam max Is 3 times saying one word

If the woozen is not on the active roster of a team, that woozen MAY NOT play unless approved by both teams owners

Illegal blocking will be charged IF you block a player and then run out for a pass

Refs MUST stick with the original call they made of the play, if a team disagrees with the call, they must throw a challenge flag and the refs will debate it out

-WFL Owners will NOT be allowed to accept or offer fines for players to reduce suspension

-Draft picks CAN be traded for other players/picks

-Picks must be 1 SPACE BEHIND OR BESIDE of WR

-Refs/Players must REPORT every game into a blog post

-Only 5 Players allowed per team

-Owners MUST move the ball when said so, otherwise Refs will charge with delay of game penalty

*Field Regulations*

-All fields must have a marker of where the touchback line is

-All fields will have an end zone of 16×4 length

-All fields must have at least two benches

-All fields must have a ball and 1 field goal

-All fields color code must be color code 0F7701 or darker

*Draft Rules*

-Each team will have 8 minutes to make a selection

-If team owners aren’t there, the projection board will give them their pick.

-Team owners can trade draft picks and players during draft

-Players may be ejected from backstage area due to poor behavior, they will not be let in regardless of whom/pick

-This will be the first year that players will NOT be allowed to pick for their teams, owners/coaches must draft the roster themselves

-Any conduct against the draft policy will result in an automatic fine and suspension for a game

6 Minutes Per Quarter

WBA Basketball –

1) If you QUIT a team, you will be suspended half of the season game, second violation from the league will be suspension for the rest of the season.

2) Reaching foul: If your standing on top of the player with the ball. Automatic inbound unless in bonus, (3 fouls)

3) Technical foul: If you say one specific word up to 3 times (Can be different) in a row. First time, automatic inbound, second time, 1 free throw and possession, third or more, 2 free throws and possession.

4) Shooting/Blocking foul: If the defender says “blocks” after a shot or a fake and offensive player says “falls”, it’s a shooting foul or a blocking foul, which lead to a automatic 2 free throws (if shot made, 1 free throw)

5) Press: You can press within the last 2 minutes of the game

6) 5 minute deadline: If a player leaves the arena, the player has 5 minutes to get back into the game, otherwise they will be forced to forfeit or they can get a new player in.

7) Charging foul: If the player is moving into the basket and your in the way and he goes right through you, the defender must say “falls” in order to be considered a charge. Other wise it’s a plain old FLOP.

8) Moving shot: If you move and shoot before your feet are set on the ground, it is a moving shot. HOWEVER, if you say: Fade, Jays, Dunk, Floater, or Lay up, you are able to move and shoot.

9) Travel: If you move the ball without having “dribbles” over your head, it’s a travel.

10) Double Dribble: If you say “fake pass” or “fake shoot”, you CAN NOT move the ball and dribble again.

11) Line Violation: On a free throw or inbounding the ball, if you move over the line, it’s a line violation. Meaning the other team gets shot back.

12) Copying and Pasting: If “v” or “in (more things added)” are spotted in the game, it’ll be marked as a flagrant foul (technical foul) 3 flagrant fouls and you’ll be ejected

13) Teams will have a salary cap of 20 rating

14) Win the Championship, Team Salary Cap increases by 5,  Each Player’s Cap increases by 3

15) Runner Up, Team Salary Cap increases by 4, Each Player’s Cap increases by 2

16) Lose in Semi Finals, Team Salary Cap Increases by 3, Each Player’s Cap Increases by 1

17) Miss Playoffs, Team Salary Cap Increases by 2

18) MVP = 1 Team Salary Cap Increase, 3 Player Cap Increase

19) DPOY = 1 Team Salary Cap Increases, 1 Player Cap Increase

20) ROY = 1 Team Salary Cap Increases, 1 Player Cap Increase

21) MIP = 1 Team Salary Cap Increases, 2 Player Cap Increase

22) 6th Man = 1 Team Salary Cap Increase, 1 Player Cap Increase

23) Finals MVP = 1 Player Cap Increase

24) Allstar Game = 2 Team Salary Cap Increase

25) Allstar = 1 Player Cap Increase

26) Allstar MVP = 1 Player Cap Increase, 1 Team Salary Cap Increase

27) Owners DO NOT have a rating unless ownership is dropped after the season. They will receive an automatic 5 Star Rating.

28) Owners CAN NOT relocate teams, trade players, sign players, drop ownership, quit teams, release players, or call up players unless the WBL approves of it. Any action taken without the leagues approval will result in season long suspensions.

29) Owners MUST give a date and time when they’re free to play their games and must AGREE with the opposing team owner. All dates and times will be update and posted on blog under WBL Schedule page.

30) A 35 second shot clock will be added IF a ref notices the players are stalling or taking too long. This is the refs decision, not the players on the court.

31) Have Fun

32) Team Limit – 6

33) Must have 3 Refs at a game

33) 5 Minutes Per Quarter


Alright, as the owner of Woozworld Sports, I feel like we have a big issue on these 3 things. Stalling, Fading and Charges. People have been abusing these ancient rules provided back in the day and it has not been updated simultaneously. That being said here’s the new rules as of 4/29/20. These rules are being implemented to stop abusing the rules and getting around with it. So here’s the rules

  • You Can only fade from the mid-range, Fading from the three point line will be an automatic miss.
  • 20 Second Shot-clock has been added. The Ref would normally start counting from 8 so you’ll know when the shot clock is winding down
  • If you move while setting and you say falls after the person crosses you it’s a BLOCKING FOUL.
  • When you’re dribbling and your bubble goes away, You have picked up your “Dribble” therefore you either must pass it or shoot it, or it’ll be a travel
  • If you dribbling and you say “kisses, hey, looks at, watches” or say anything that’s not related to the game and you say dribbles again it’ll be a TURNOVER A.K.A DOUBLE DRIBBLE
  • If you pump fake more than once on a shot, it’s a travel. (Pumping a lot in real life usually have you move your pivot foot.
  • 3 Seconds in the key has now been added. (Prevents Stalling)
  • Delay of games has been officially added. (Holding the ball for a long without saying words or action with shot clock available will cause a delay a game)
  • Once you proceed more than 2 delay of games, it’ll be free throws and possession every time you commit more delay of games.
  • When you’re inbounding the ball, you can say the words “In B, Passes in, Throws in”

Those are the rules and it’ll be effect after Week Two. Thank you for your patience woozens. Stay safe woozens!

WCAA Basketball:


  1. 2 halves, both 10 minutes.
  2. If you QUIT a team you will be suspended the WHOLE season
  3.  Reaching foul: If your standing on top of the player with the ball. Automatic inbound unless in bonus, (3 fouls)
  4. Technical foul: If you say one specific word up to 4 times in a row. First time, automatic inbound, second time, 1 free throw and possession, third or more, 2 free throws and possession.
  5. Shooting/Blocking foul: If the defender says “blocks” after a shot or a fake and offensive player says “falls”, it’s a shooting foul or a blocking foul, which lead to a automatic 2/3 free throws (if shot made, 1 free throw)
  6. You can press the last MINUTE of the game.
  7. 5 minute deadline: If a player leaves the arena, the player has 5 minutes to get back into the game, otherwise they will be forced to forfeit or they can get a new player in.
  8. Charging foul: If the player is moving into the basket and your in the way and he goes right through you, the defender must say “falls” in order to be considered a charge. Other wise it’s a plain old FLOP.
  9. Moving shot: If you move and shoot before your feet are set on the ground, it is a moving shot. HOWEVER, if you say: Fade, Jays, Dunk, Floater, or Lay up, you are able to move and shoot. ALSO, You can’tdo a floater or layup from the 3 point line, or dunk farther then the free throw line..
  10. Travel: If you move the ball without having “dribbles” over your head, it’s a travel.
  11. Double Dribble: If you say “fake pass” or “fake shoot”, you CAN NOT move the ball and dribble again.
  12. Line Violation: On a free throw or inbounding the ball, if you move over the line, it’s a line violation. Meaning the other team gets shot back.
  13. Copying and Pasting: If “v” or “in (more things added)” are spotted in the game, it’ll be marked as a flagrant foul (technical foul) 2 flagrant fouls and you’ll be ejected
  14. Must have 2 official refs to start a game, incase one leaves.
  15. If you get 3 techs, you will be automaticly ejected, and 5 fouls also get you ejected, refs please note down fouls..
  16. Bonuses work like this- until 4 minutes, every team has 3 fouls to give, after 4 minutes, you have 2 fouls to give, after 1 minute, its 1 foul to give.